“Live your life in Alignment” – What exactly does that mean?
For me, it means spending my time working on this blog, creating, serving, and learning more about myself, recognizing and releasing any patterns that are no longer serving me.
What does living in alignment mean for you?
But there is also another truth to living in alignment.
Living in alignment for me also means that I can be honest when I am having a shit day.
I can accept that one bad day is just that- one day.
Living in Alignment means that I am treating my physical body with respect- through proper nourishment and movement. I am balanced, I am mentally clear- I am using all the tools you can find within this blog actually. (As the weeks progress you will notice that I will be completely re-arranging the site and adding resources so you will want to bookmark and come back frequently).
There is a feeling of freedom, at a deeper level.
Because living in alignment means that I am free of my addictions (aka distractions).
More importantly, living in alignment is when I am excited to get out of bed and work on passion projects (such as this blog) and feel like I can authentically connect with others who are on the same quest for true self discovery as I am .
There are moments when we all can feel unaligned,
But, that’s okay. Acceptance of what is just only brings us back.
Living in alignment for me, means being able to look at things lightly – for we are just souls with bodies in the playground of the world.
We must treat ourselves gently.
We must look to ourselves with kindness.
We must honour our creativity, connection and authenticity that is pounding with our hearts to come out.
For me, living in alignment means to be able to authentically share my truth- to share these messages with you, and to finally know that I have my voice that speaks my truth.
I’m Curious – What Does Living in Alignment Look Like For You?